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Objectives Work Performed by marketing channels Channel-Design Decisions Channel-Management Decisions Channel Dynamics
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Objectives The communications Process A Developing Effective Communications a Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix a Managing and Coordinating Integrated Marketing Communications
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第一节建筑装饰工程质量管理概述 第二节装饰工程全面质量管理 第三节工程质量保证体系 第四节质量体系认证 第五节工程质量评定与验收
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一、运输需求量预测的基本概念 (一)预测的基本概念 预测是人们预选的、事前的对某事物发展的一种推测,一种测算,测算事物发展变化可 能出现的前景和趋势,有时还要推测事物发展变化可能达到的水平和规模,推测事物间相互 联系、相互制约、相互影响以及影响程度等等。 运输需求量预测就是根据运输及其相关变量过去发展变化的客观过程和规律性,参照当 前已经出现和正在出现的各种可能性,运用现代管理的、数学的和统计的方法,对运输及其 相关变量未来可能出现的趋势和可能达到的水平的一种科学推测
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Market-Oriented Strategic Planning Objectives Resources Skills Opportunities
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Macroenvironmental forces World trade enablers Asian economic power Rise of trade blocs International monetary crises Use of barter countertrade Move towards market economies Global lifestyles C2000 Prentice Hall
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Problem Recognition Recognition General Need Description Info Product Specification Search/ Supplier Search Eval Proposal Solicitation Purchase Supplier Selection
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Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets Geographic Region, City or Metro Size,Density, Climate Demographic Age, Gender, Family size and Life cycle, Race, Occupation or Income Psychographic Lifestyle or Personality
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Why New Products Fail “ Over Championing” Overestimated demand Poor Design Poor Marketing execution High development Costs Strong Competitive Reaction C2000 Prentice Hall
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一、建立电子表格 二、数据处理和管理 三、制作图表
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