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Information and the Manager e Data raw facts such as the number of customers Information: data arranged in a meaningful fashion Good information possesses these attributes o Information Quality: measures information accuracy and reliabilit
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一、电极化:在外电场作用下,介质内的质点(原子、分子 、离子)正负电荷重心的分离,使其转变成偶极子的过程。 或在外电场作用下,正、负电荷尽管可以逆向移动,但它们 并不能挣脱彼此的束缚而形成电流,只能产生微观尺度的相 对位移并使其转变成偶极子的过程
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一、人力资源管理的历史与层次 二、人事管理与人力资源管理的区别 三、公共部门人力资源管理的含义 四、人力资源的重要作用 五、由谁来进行人力资源管理
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未能通过消防员岗位书面考试的黑人求职 者们提出了一项针对“杰克逊维尔市消防局” 的种族歧视诉讼。考试失败使他们无法成为消 防员采取进一步的措施。求职者们争辩说,他 们未能通过测验,仅仅因为这是种族歧视性的 测验,与完成该工作所需要的技能和职责无关 开庭前的关键问题之一是:该考试是不 是以一项恰当地进行的工作分析为基础。那就 是说,该工作分析找到了作为测验之基础的恰 当的工人必要条件吗?
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1、达到成本效率。 2、)吸引高度合格的候选人。 3、帮助确保那些被雇佣的个人留在公司 4、帮助公司努力遵守法律 5、帮助公司创造一支文化上更加多样化的劳动力队伍
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一、面试 1 面试的历史 2 孔子:“吾以言取人,失之宰予;以貌取人,失之子羽”“听其言而观其行
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一、提高工作绩效 二、作正确的雇佣决策 三、把工作不满意和流动减到最低程度
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Part I Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1.A is a collection of all accounts used by a business 2. All cash payments by check are recorded in thejournal 3. Revenue and expense accounts are called because they are opene
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Outline Q Describe the purpose of adjusting accounts at the end of the period Q Prepare and explain adjusting entries for prepaid expenses, amortization, unearned revenues, accrued expenses, and accrued revenues。 C Explain how accounting adjustments link to financial statements Q Explain and prepare an adjusted trial
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Task Team of FUNdaMENTAL aCCOUNtIng School of Business. Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 2 Economic Transactions and Accounting equation Exercises 1. Lion Company had a net cash inflow of $80,000 from operating activities. It spent $40,000 on investing activities. Lion Company received $50,000 in cash from issuing stock. Calculate the ease or decrease in cash
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