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1.1概述 1.2单质的性质
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第一章碱金属和碱土金属 第二章硼族元素 第三章碳族元素 第四章氮族元素 第五章氧族元素 第六章卤素 第七章铜族与锌族元素 第八章过渡元素概述 第九章过渡元素概述 第十章f区元素
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将KMnO4加入 C2O42-酸性溶液中, 产物开始是什么?
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第一章 绪论 第二章 食品的热处理与杀菌 第三章 食品的低温处理与保藏 第四章 食品的脱水加工 第五章 食品辐射保藏 第六章 食品的腌渍烟熏和发酵处理 第七章 食品的化学保藏 第八章 典型食品的加工工艺
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Much of the catalytic power of enzymes comes from their bringing sub- strates together in favorable orientations in enzyme-substrate (ES)com- plexes. The substrates are bound to a specific region of the enzyme called the active site. Most enzymes are highly selective in their binding
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Announcement \Chapter 8 Enzymes: Basic Concepts and Kinetics\ in Lubert Stryer's \Biochemistry\ (Fourth Edition) will be used as my major lecture material, which is available for you to Xerox from your TAs. Chapter 8 in Lehninger's“ Principles of Biochemistry can be used as a reference
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