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Introduction Packaging can be unnecessarily expensive in a couple of ways: 1. Inadequate design results in shipment damage 2. Over-design or poor design (more protection than is required or materials being incorrectlyused) results in excessive material cost. The procedure can be broken down into seven basic steps
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Short History of Distribution Packaging in the USA Distribution packaging emerged in the 1800s as the industrial revolution blossomed and manufacturers began shipping their goods nationwide via railroad. Paper did not enter the distribution arena as protective packaging until the early 1900s, when corrugated boxes first appeared as shipping containers
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TOPS: Total Optimization Packaging Software. TOPS Pro: allows the packaging professional to size and shape package designs from concept to carton, to intermediate pack, to pallet stacking, to box strength analysis and to truck loading (Figure 17.1)
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content Introduction The Packaging Line Line Organization Packaging Materials Machine Capabilities Line Balancing Material and Container Characteristics Personnel
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content Introduction Liquid Filling Liquid Volumetric Filling Liquid Constant Level Filling Dry Product Filling Dry Volumetric Filling Dry Filling By Weight Filling By Count
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改变阀口通流面积的大小或通流通 道的长短来改变液阻,从而控制通过阀 的流量,达到调节执行元件运动速度的 目的
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液压传动的“控制方式”有两种不同的涵义一种是指对传动部分的操纵调节方式;另一种是指控制部分本身的结构组成形式。 一、液压传动的操纵调节方式 1、手动式:凡须由人拨动手柄或按下按钮才能使系统实现其动作或状态的,便是手动式的。例图1-1
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1-1、液压传动发展概况 1-2液压传动的工作原理及其组成部分
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4-1液压缸的类型和特点 一、活塞缸 (一)、双杆活塞缸 1、缸筒固定的双杆活塞缸:
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一、液压阀的作用 1、液压阀的作用:用来控制液压系统中油液的或调节其,以满足设备工作的性能要求。 2、液压阀之间存在的共性 (1)、在结构上所有的阀都有阀体、阀芯(座阀或滑阀)和驱动阀芯动作的元部件(如弹簧,电磁铁等)组成
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