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The reactivity of organometallic compounds increases with the percent ionic character of the carbon-metal bond. RLi and RMgX are of great importance in organic synthesis
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A hydrocarbon whose molecules contain two double bonds is called an alkadiene(alkatriene for three double bonds); A hydrocarbon with two triple bonds is called an alkadiyne; A hydrocarbon with a double and triple bond is called an alkenyne
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Compounds were classified as being either aliphatic or aromatic in the latter part of the nineteenth century. To be classified as aliphatic meant then that the chemical behavior of a compound was “fatlike”. To be classified as aromatic meant then that the compound had a low hydrogen/carbon ratio and that it was “fragrant
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A ring that contains at least one heteroatom (an atom other than carbon) is called a heterocycle, and a substance based on a heterocyclic ring is a heterocyclic compound. Heterocyclic compounds containing N, O or S are by far the most common
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Carbon’s ability to form strong covalent bonds to other carbon atoms is the single property of the carbon atom that — more than any other—accounts for the existence of a field of study called organic chemistry. Carbon’s ability to form as many as four strong bonds to other carbon atoms, and to form strong bonds to hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen atoms as well
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Functional groups The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity are called functional groups. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior. The Chemistry of every organic molecules
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第一部分 心理学前沿问题与研究取向篇 第二部分 广义问题解决过程篇 第三部分 研究方法篇
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Energy and the Relative Stability Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. Potential energy is stored energy. It exists only when an attractive or repulsive force exists between objects
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The primary source of alkanes is petroleum Natural gas consists chiefly of methane, but ethane, propane, butane, and isobutane are also present. Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that must be refined into different fraction before it can be used
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Cycloalkanes with only one ring are named by attaching the prefix cyclo- to the names of the alkanes possessing the same number of carbon atoms
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