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hapter 10 Beliefs Religious history Around 432 Ireland converted to Christanity by St. Patrick, who brought faith from Rome His followers spread christianity to Wales, Scotland&n. England, established religious centres In Ad 496-7: the Saxons of A. England were converted to
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A1 ntroduction Britain's 'mixed economy'-an economy in which there is some public ownership as well as privately owned business
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Abstract In Chapter Seven we continue to look at the variety of ways in which people in Britain today spend their leisure time. We especially look at excursions away from home for a short or longer break. But we first look at the transport infrastructure of Great Britain a network of airports, railway lines, motorways and other roads, which, together, connect up the even remotest parts of the country and help to make
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A1 Introduction Definition of crime--Crime is behaviour that breaks those rules of a society which are codified in the criminal law. (p131) Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by the common law oIn changing society the opportunities for people to commit crimes also change. oChanges in patterns of work, in unemployment
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Objectives If the family is central to people's lives, surely their next most significant experience is their education. In this chapter we will begin with a brief survey of the development of free universal education since the last century, and then take a closer look at the main institutions in which British people are formally educated
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A1 Husbands Wives Redefinition and adjustment of both husband's and wife's needs and values in contemporary British society. The effects of newly-emerging work patterns upon the roles of husbands and wives within the family
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一、什么是“文化散文” 佘树森先生在《中国当代散文报告文学发展 史》中对文化散文进行了界定:“贴近生活 的又一表现,就是世俗化倾向。人情种种, 世俗百态,成为一些散文家观照的热点。由 于这种观照常取文化视角,伴以历史文化反 思,故又称之‘文化散文’;由于这种观照 多以非凡的机智,集中透视矛盾诸相,故行 文常含幽默,还由于作者故作‘超脱’与 ‘旷达’,所以常有苦涩掩藏于闲适中
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《财经应用文写作》是会计电算化、注册会计师专业的一门基础课。在信息化特征日益 显著的当代社会,财经应用文写作的重要性愈加突出,各种应用文书更成为各级单位开展各 项公务、实施有效管理的一种重要工具。通过学习,要使学生掌握财经应用文写作自身的特 点、规律和方法,能够按要求写出常用公务文书、常用事务文书、财经应用文、学术论文等 文种 二、教学内容和教学要求 学习应用写作的基本理论,了解各个文种的主要概念和基本格式,加强语言修养,掌握 应用文的语体特征和语体要求,多写多练,按要求写出不同类型的应用文
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《商务文书写作》是电子商务专业的一门基础课。在信息化特征日益显著的当代社会, 商务文书写作的重要性愈加突出,各种应用文书更成为各级单位开展各项公务、实施有效管 理的一种重要工具。通过学习,使学生掌握应用文写作自身的特点、规律和方法,能够按要 求写出常用公务文书、常用事务文书、信函类文书、商务应用文、学术论文等文种。 二、教学內容和教学要求 学习应用写作的基本理论,了解各个文种的主要概念和基本格式
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《应用文写作》是旅游与酒店管理专业的一门基础课。在信息化特征日益显著的当代社 会,应用文写作的重要性愈加突出,各种应用文书更成为各级机关、企业、团体开展各项公 务、实施有效管理的一种重要工具。通过学习,要使学生掌握文秘写作自身的特点
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