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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Taking ideas and discourse seriously:explaining change through discursive institutionalism as the fourth 'new institutionalism
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《国际政治经济学》文献资料(Political Economy of Regionalization and Globalization)Showing Ideas as Causes. The Origins of the European Union
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About SQL SQL is a standard database language, adopted by many commercial systems. ANSI SQL, SQL-92 or SQL2, SQL99 or SQL3 extends SQL2 with object￾relational features. SQL2003 is the collection of extensions to SQL3. How to query the database How to make modifications on database Transactions in SQL
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3.5 Space Structures of Columns and Frames Buildings conceived as columnar space structures by considering a simple rectangular space-form enclosed by four slender columns
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Buildings conceived as columnar space structures by considering a simple rectangular space-form enclosed by four slender columns
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上海交通大学:《政治经济学经典导读 Comparative Political Economy》课程教学资源(比较政治经济学文献资料)Showing Ideas as Causes
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In this appendix, we present a primer for people who are unfamiliar with the Java language. This introduction is intended to allow you to develop the Java skills necessary to understand the programs in this text. It is not a complete Java reference; for a more thorough coverage of Java, consult the Bibliographical Notes. We do not assume that you are familiar with object-oriented principles, such as classes, objects, and encapsulation, although some knowledge of these topics would be helpful. If you are already familiar with C or C++, the transition to Java will be smooth, because much Java syntax is based on C/C++
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1. Proteins Are Built from a Repertoire of 20 Amino Acids 2. Primary Structure: Amino Acids Are Linked by Peptide Bonds to Form Polypeptide Chains 3. Secondary Structure: Polypeptide Chains Can Fold into Regular Structures Such As the Alpha Helix, the Beta Sheet, and Turns and Loops
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《风景园林规划设计》课程教学资源:北京市地方标 准 DB11/T 989—2013 园林绿化工程竣工图编制规范 Design code for as-build drawing in the landscape engineering
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10.1 What is Risk? 10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions 10.3 The Risk-Management Process 10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer 10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency 10.6 Institutions for Risk Management 10.7 Portfolio Theory: Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management 10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns 10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk
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