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一、学习提要 金融资产可以分为货币和证券。货币流动性好而不生利证券生利而流动性差。公众 从微观利益出发愿意持有的货币数量称为货币需求。 凯恩斯认为,公众愿意持有货币是出于三种动机:
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一、学习提要 产出和支出是相互作用的:支出决定产出和收入,同时产出和收入决定支出。收入与 支出的相互作用及其变动决定了GDP水平及其波动。在国民收入决定的凯恩斯模型中,假设 供给曲线是水平的,当总需求变化时。只会导致产出的变化,而不会导致价格的变化
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Introduction What are the three big problems macroeconomics studies? GDP -- Calculation: intermediate inventories;used;GNP Real v.s. Nominal (deflator; CPD) Okun'sLaw
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Solow growth model 1. Production function(total; per capita) 2. Savings investment schedule 3. Depreciation 4. Steady state 5. Golden rule 6. Path from one steady state to the Golden Rule steady state
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Government Debt 1. Is budget deficit correctly measured? (1)Inflation (2)Capital Assets ( 3)Uncounted liabilities ( 4) Business cycle
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1.选择题 (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)A (5)C (6)A (7)C (8)2 (9)A
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Questions from Last Lecture Demand for money↑ =)=l ,Y) ↑ while fixed →l(r,y: hold& to balance the pressure ofd↑; hold,↑ to balance
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The money market LM curve The theory of liquidity preference
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Goal Develop the Solow Growth Model How much of the economy's output should be consumed today and how much should be saved for the future? Static analysis(Ch. 3)> Dynamic
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Topics 4 questions from before HW#1 Unemployment Natural rate of unemployment reasons for unemployment Frictional unemployment Wait unemployment Patterns of unemployment
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