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一、化脓性细菌所引起的骨组织炎症现象 二、病变包括骨膜、骨皮质骨松质及骨髓组织 三、“骨髓炎”一词并不准确 四、炎症局限于骨髓部分很少见
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心 肺 脑 复 苏 使心跳、呼吸骤停的病人迅速恢复循环、 呼吸和脑功能所采取的抢救措施,称为 复苏或心肺脑复苏
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一、脑干 二、 间脑 三、端脑 四、 小脑
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一、左右大脑半球 二、大脑皮质、 三、髓质、 四、基底神经节
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讨论(一) 1。你认为神经系统的构成有什么原则? 2。小脑皮层的结构和功能? 3。比较小脑皮层、大脑皮层的结构有何特点,和功能有何相关?
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Brain Science School of Life Sciences
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1 . The chara cte ristics of the n euronal cell Wha t would come to your mind as a definition? It is a cell of the brain: that is not correct, it is more widely spread: CNS = brain + spinal cord, SN P, ente ric s ystem. It is an exc itable cell: it is tr ue but this property is s hared with other cells. Muscles: striated musc le, heart. And other cells too such as endocrine cells present an exc itabilit y that is the property to gene rate action
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