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1 Methods for Generating Random Variables 1.1 Generating Uniform(0,1) random number 1.2 Random Generators of Common Probability Distribution in R 1.2.1 The Inverse Transform Method 1.2.2 The Acceptance-Rejection Method 1.2.3 Transformation Methods 1.2.4 Sums and Mixtures 1.3 Multivariate Distribution 1.3.1 Multivariate Normal Distribution 1.3.2 Mixtures of Multivariate Normals 1.3.3 Wishart Distribution 1.3.4 Uniform Distribution on the d−Sphere 1.4 Stochastic Process
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1 TEX介绍 2 TEX的宏包和扩展 3 环境集 4 LATEX命令集 5 页面版式命令 6 计数器命令 7 目录表 8 交叉引用和索引 9 宏包 10 LATEX中文化
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1 Graphics with R 1.1 Managing graphics 1.1.1 Graphical Functions 1.1.2 Low-level plotting commands 1.1.3 Graphical Parameters 2 Statistical Analysis with R 2.1 Formulae 2.2 Generic Functions 2.3 Packages 3 Programming with R 3.1 Flow Control 3.2 Functions 3.3 Miscellaneous programming tips 3.4 Debugging 3.5 Efficient programming 3.6 R script editors
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1 Introduction 1.1 R website 1.2 Differences between R and S 1.3 Start with R 2 Data with R 2.1 Objects 2.2 Reading data in a file 2.3 Saving data 2.4 generating data 2.5 Manipulating objects 2.5.1 Creating objects 2.5.2 Operators 2.5.3 Accessing the values of an object: the indexing system 2.5.4 Accessing the values of an object with names 2.5.5 Arithmetics and simple functions 2.5.6 Matrix Computation
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十四讲 回归分析(线性回归模型)
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十三讲 Bayes统计初步(Bayes方法和统计决策理论)
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十二讲 非参数检验(二)
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十二讲 非参数检验(一)
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十一讲 参数假设检验(三)
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中国科学技术大学:《数理统计》课程教学资源(课件讲义)第十讲 参数假设检验(二)
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