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Chapter 1 Introduction The Strategic Management of Information Technology
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:147KB 文档页数:29
Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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TWo Levels of Planning ystems Planning Gives managers, Users, and Information Systems Personnel Projects Establishes what should be done Sets a budget for the total cost of these projects o Systems Project planning Setting a plan for the development of each specific systems project
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Software Design Systems Development Communication Information
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Topics Covered Net Present value SOther Investment Criteria Project Interactions Capital Rationing
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Topics Covered SHow Firms Organize Their Investment Process Some\What If Questions Sensitivity analysis Break Even Analysis SFlexibility in Capital Budgeting Decision Trees Options
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1.儿童医疗机构的设施及护理管理 2.与儿童的沟通技巧 3.住院儿童的心理护理 4.科常用护理技术操作
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