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Outline Describe the purpose of adjusting accounts at the end of the period. Prepare and explain adjusting entries for prepaid expenses, amortization, unearned revenues, accrued expenses, and accrued revenues. Explain how accounting adjustments link to financial statements
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Financial forecasting 1) Project sales revenues and expenses
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2 concepts that enhance our understanding of risk... 1) Operating Leverage affects a firm's business risk. 2) Financial Leverage affects a firm's financial risk
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6-1: Openness in Goods Market 6-2: Openness in Financial Market 6-3: Conclusions and a Look ahead
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5-1.The Goods Market and the IS Relation 5-2: Financial Market and the LM Relation 5-3: The iS-LM- Model: Exercise 5-4: Using a Policy Mix 5-5: Adding Dynamics 5-6: Does the IS-LM Model Actually Capture What Happens in the Economy?
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– Ch. 12 Capital Structure Concept – Ch. 13 Capital Structure Management in Practice – Ch. 14 Dividend Policy
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– Ch.8 Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Analysis – Ch.9 Decision Criteria and Option Considerations – Ch.10 Capital Budgeting and Risk – Ch.11 The cost of Capital
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Course overview The focus of this course is on financial theory and empirical evidence that are useful for investment decisions. The topics include: Financial theory: This include portfolio theory, CAPM, APT, discount factor model, they are important for decision-making in investments;
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1. The following financial statement information is known about five separate proprietorships: Company Company Company Company Company A B C D E December 31, 2001 Assets
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对外经济贸易大学:《公司理财 CORPORATE FINANCIAL CORPORATE FINANCIAL》课程教学资源(授课教案)企业家需要了解的几个问题(张建平)
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