Review: Inverse method逆解法 Select satisfying the compatibility equation 设定中,并满足相容方程V4φ=0(2.12.11) find the stress components by由下式求出应力分量 Txy--02d/ (2.12.10) find the surface force components by 由下式对给定坐标的物体求出面力分量
Polar coordinates极坐标 The position of a point P in polar coordinates is defined by the radial coordinate r and the angular coordinateθ. 一点P的极坐标用径向坐标r和角坐标θ表示 P(r,0) displacements:位移:urue strains:应变:
Introduction-1导引-1 The finite element method is an extension of the analysis techniques(matrix method) of ordinary framed structures. 有限元法是刚架结构分析技术的扩充。 The finite element method was pioneered in the aircraft industry where there was an urgent need for accurate analysis of complex airframe 有限元法首先应用于飞机工业