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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第二册)B2U1_02 B2U1 Activate
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第四册)B4U2_self-market_For Teacher, B4U2
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第四册)B4U4_self-market_06B404 QUIZ_Unit Four QUIZ
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第四册)B4U4_self-market_06B404 QUIZ_sentence unit4
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第四册)B4U2 QUIZ_06B4U02 QUIZ
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第四册)B4U1 QUIZ_06 B4U01 QUIZ
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第一册)B1U2_self market_U2B1 QUIZ_Written Quiz_written quiz
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Unit 10 Text B Advertising I, Teaching aims 1. Get students to master the following words and phrases Civil, device, effective, expand, highly, living, merely ,react, respond, trace, at the beginning of, be described as, be filled
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To study Text B in detail that is, to get to know the uses of some key words and phrases and to know about the sources and some
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To study Text B in detail(that is, to get to know the uses of some key words and phrases and to know the four-step method to study
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