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1) Tenderize 2) Batter and dough aeration 3) Heating Medium 4) Emulsion component 5) Flavor 6) Texture
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Milk should contain 8.25% milk-solid-not-fat .3.25% milk fat Milk is .. a true solution for salts, lactose, water- soluble vitamins milk is a colloidal dispersion for proteins and some Ca phosphate a dilute emulsion for fat globules
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Meat: Color Myoglobin meat heme-pigment color Purplish-red Hemoglobin blood pigment Oxymyoglobin air combines with meat Bright in its oxidized form Metmyoglobin major discoloration Ferrous to ferric state High temperatures, microorganisms and light speed the reaction
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上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(问卷资料)第一次科学素质测试点评
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上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(问卷资料)大学生科学素质评价2
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上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(问卷资料)大学本科科学素质测验题-2
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一、解剖学分类 ㈠ 大叶性肺炎 ㈡ 小叶性肺炎 ㈢ 间质性肺炎
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肠结核是结核杆菌侵犯肠道引起的慢性 特异性感染
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定义:肝硬化是一种常见的慢性、进 行性、弥漫性肝病,由一种或几种病因 长期或反复作用引起
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一、剧毒类 甲拌磷、内吸磷 二、高毒类 敌敌畏、氧化乐果、 三、中度毒类 乐果、敌百虫 四、低毒类 马拉硫磷等
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