Mlesd Particle Swarm Optimization 5. 9 A pseudo-optimization method (heuristic) inspired by the collective intelligence of swarms of biological populations Flocks of birds Colonies of insects C Rania Hassan 3/2004 Engineering Systems Division -Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Instructors: Professor Eric Lander, Professor Robert A Weinberg, Dr. Claudette Gardel Friday 11/12/04 7.012 Quiz 3 Answers A>85 18% of test takers b 72-84 41% of test takers c 60-71 23% of test takers D 50-59 11.4% of test takers
III Multiple choice 1. Britain does not share land border with any other countries except A. france B. Holland C. Italy D. The Republic of Ireland 2. The island of great Britain is divided into parts
Roadmap path planning Brian C. williams 16410-13 October 27th. 2003 Assignment · Reading: Path Planning: AIMA Ch 25.4 Homework Online problem set #7 due Monday, November 3rd