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Chapter32 Special relativity(狭义相对论) Two Postulates(狭义相对论的两个基本假设) The relativity of simultaneity(同时性的相对性) The relativity of time(时间间隔的相对性) The relativity of length(长度收缩) The Lorentz Transformation(洛仑兹变换式) new look at momentum, energy(相对论质量
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32-9 Relativistic Momentum and Mass (P749-751) In classical mechanics, the law of conservation of momentum (P=constant) holds in different inertial reference frames. But in relativity, if we continue to define P=mv, and m is a constant, the total momentun is not conserved for different inertial frames
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2.1天然水中杂质的种类与性质 2.1.1天然水体中的杂质 天然水中存在的杂质主要来源于所接触的大气、土壤等自然环境,同时人类活动产生的各种污染物也会进入天然水体。 (1)按水中杂质的尺寸,可以分为溶解物、胶体颗粒和悬浮物3种。 (2)从化学结构上可以将水中杂质分为无机物、有机物、生物等几类
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32-8 Lorentz Transformation (LT) P747-749 (洛沦兹变换) Assume two inertial reference frames: S, S' O,o 'coincide’(重合 superimposed) at time:t=0 S为静系,S以υ沿ox轴向右运动(开始时,两 个坐标系原点重合)
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◆水准测量原理 ◆水准测量的方法与成果整理 ◆水准仪轴线的检验与校正 ◆自动安平水准仪和精密水准仪
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◆水准测量原理 ◆水准测量的方法与成果整理 ◆水准仪轴线的检验与校正 ◆自动安平水准仪和精密水准仪
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Chapter 4 Differential Relations For Viscous Flow 4.1 Preliminary Remarks Two ways in analyzing fluid motion (1)Seeking an estimate of gross effects over a finite region or control volume. Integral ()Seeking the point-by-point details of a flow pattern by analyzing an infinitesimal region of the flow
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Chapter3 Integral Relations(积分关系式) for a Control Volume in One-dimensional Steady Flows 3.1 Systems(体系) versus Control Volumes(控制体) System: an arbitrary quantity of mass of fixed identity. Everything external to this system is denoted by the term surroundings, and the system is separated from its surroundings by it's boundaries through which no mass
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