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The modern frozen food industry was started by Clarence Birdseye in America in 1925. As a fur trader in Labrador Birdseye had noticed that fillets of fish left by the natives to freeze rapidly in arctic winters retained the taste and texture attrib￾utes of fresh fish better than fillets frozen in milder temperatures at other times of the year. Frozen foods were available before Birdseye’s pioneering innovations, but they were of poor and uncertain quality. Birdseye’s insight was that speed of freezing is crucial to retain quality and he was the first to develop machinery
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The domestication of different grasses, all members of the monocotyledonous family Gramineae, was a seminal event in the history of mankind. The cultiva￾tion of these plants led to the generation of agricultural surpluses. These in turn enabled societies in different parts of the world to make the transition from a nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle to one based on communities living in per￾manent settlements
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The taming of fire, permitting the thermal processing of vegetable foodstuffs in particular, extended enormously the number of natural products that could be used as foods by humans and gave a tremendous impulse to the extraordinary dif￾fusion and development of the human population in almost every region of the world (De Bry, 1994). Foodstuffs can be roughly divided in two classes, those that are or are not edible in their raw form. The most important naturally edible foods are meat and milk, which are heated mainly for eliminating dangerous microorganisms, and some fruits, used by plants to attract animals for diffusing
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A. Trichopoulou and A. Naska, University of Athens 2.1 Introduction Documenting and monitoring dietary patterns are priorities in nutritional epi￾demiology, in the planning of national food and nutrition policies and in the evaluation of nutrition education strategies. Early efforts in documenting dietary patterns were focused on identifying the specific nutrients that may be respon￾sible for effects on people’s health, but recently research has expanded towards studying patterns of food intake. Food data are often derived from:
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速冻食品问世以来,以其方便实惠而深受大众欢迎。然而,消费者在料理一些速冻 食品时却遇到这样或那样的问题:春卷的表皮炸熟了,可内馅却还冰冰凉;烤好的比萨饼这 边熟了,那边还是一股酵母味;煎冷冻牛排时为什么老是出水……究竟该怎样烹饪速冻食品 呢?这里可有不少窍门
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第一节 脂类的功能 一、构成体质 二、供能与保护机体 三、提供必需脂肪酸与促进脂溶性维生素的吸收 四、增加饱腹感和改善食品感官性状 第二节 脂类的组成及其特征 一、脂类的组成 二、脂肪酸 三、必需脂肪酸 四、反式脂肪酸 五、固醇 第三节 脂肪的摄取与食物来源 一、脂肪的食物来源 二、脂肪的摄取
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食物中毒的概述 我国食品安全现状 食源性疾病 食物中毒的概念 发生原因 流行病学特点 分类 发病机理 调查与处理 细菌性食物中毒 沙门菌 副溶血弧菌 葡萄球菌 肉毒梭菌 病原 发病机制 临床表现 诊断与预防 化学性食物中毒 亚硝酸盐、农药 有毒动植物食物中毒 鱼类、贝类、毒蕈 真菌及其毒素食物中毒 镰刀菌、节菱孢霉
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第二节 化学性污染及其预防 第三节 食品的放射性污染及其预防 foods radioactive contamination and its prevention
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第一节 食品添加剂概述 1、概述 2、食品添加剂的定义 3、食品添加剂的分类 4、食品添加剂引起危害的原因 第二节 常见食品添加剂 1.抗氧化剂 5.酶制剂 2.漂白剂 6.增味剂 3.着色剂 7.防腐剂 4.护色剂 8.甜味剂
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第四节油脂特点的表示方法与工艺特点 一、油脂特点的表示方法 二、油脂工艺特点 (一)油脂的提取工艺特点 (二)油脂的精制特点 (三)油脂的改性改良特点 1.氢化 2、交酯化 3、油脂的分提与冬化
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