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The reasonable person adapts himself to the world while the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt he world to himse!.” George bernard Shaw
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PSyCholinguistics-a dead disciplne! term coined in 1954 [Osgood] aim: to describe the exact operation of the brain during the production or processing of language psychology PSycho
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Chapter Three Lexicon Morphology Lexicon I The meanings or lexicon In its most general sense, lexicon is synonymous with vocabulary, denoting the system formed by the total sum of all the words and word equivalents that a given language possesses. B In its technical sense lexicon is synonymous with
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Chapter four Syntax 1. What is syntax? Syntax is the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language. Simply speaking, it is the study of the formation of sentences. There are different approaches to syntax in the linguistic field
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Chapter Three Lexicon Morphology ILexicon 1, The meanigs of lexicon In its most general sense, lexicon is synonymous with vocabulary, denoting the system formed by the total sum of all the words and word equivalents that a given language possesses. In its technical sense, lexicon is synonymous with
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Why does language provide such a fascinating object of study?
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PREFACE前言 1. Introduction to the Course Nature of the Course Teaching Plan(54 hrs lec. +18 hrs exp.) Language of the Course (Bilingual Course)
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I Teaching aims 1. Get students to master the following words and phrases barrier, code, communicate, dial, facility, instant, overcome, project, representative, select, view, above all, agree on /upon as to as well. at least. in the future. search for when it comes to
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Unit one Fighting with the forces of Nature PartI Pre-reading task Part II Text a The Icy Defender Part III Text b The normandy landing Part Iv Theme-related Language Learning Tasks Writing Strategy: Providing evidence Unit two
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Unit one Ways oflearning Part I Part II Text a Learning, Chinese-Style Part III Textb Children and money Part Iv Theme-Related Language learning task Writing Strategy: Using comparison and contrast in essay writing
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