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Revision(复习) 1. Questions 2. Language points
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Pre-Reading Activities Text New Word Reading TextA: Language Points .Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up .Assignment
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Chapter IIi Sound Forms- Morphology Language and Form 1 Form of sounds 2 Form patterns
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Social Expressions with something to imply (I) 1. Gender a. Way of talking: tone, register, tenderness, color preference and language, topics of conversation, cursing words
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The Definitions of Pragmatics speaker listener context social interaction functions of language
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Culture is thought to be the thing only humans have. Studies of animals however, show that chimpanzees can make and use tools like man. Monkeys can learn to do something from each other. Apes can even be taught some forms of language. We find that certain animals do culture similar to that of human beings and the line dividing us from them is not as clear as we used to think
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Unit siⅸ Text A I. Pre-Reading Task 1. What makes human beings different from animals? A. The ability to use tools. B. The learning and sharing of behavior . The use of language. 2. Do you think animals have a culture? If yes, give an example
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Unit 5 Language structures Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Reading1&2
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General Organization Comprehension Language points Interaction activity
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Teaching outline Duty report dictation Practice of the key sentence patterns Retell dialogue工 Role-play: Traffic problems in a big city Background information about language famil Questions for group discussion Passage analysis Weekly quiz
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