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微生物细胞新陈代谢的独立性是靠其 广泛的适应性和对营养物质的节约使用即 经济性来支撑的。归根到底是依靠微生物 细胞严密的代谢调节(包括能量代谢和物 质代谢)机构来支撑的。 关于代谢的自动调节问题上一节已作 了简单的分析,本节将从细胞经济的角度 来探讨代谢产物过量合成的可能性
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1.发酵原理课程的沿革。 2.为什么说微生物是工业发酵的灵魂? 3.研究大千世界从何入手? 4.怎样对抽象的问题进行形象思维? 5.怎样认识微生物生物机器? 6.知己知彼是主动合作的基础。 7.发酵原理的研究方兴未艾
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This article considers how professionals \think by doing\and provides theoretical rationale for reflective practice as a model for teaching journalism. It presents a model focused on the development of graduate efficacy in the intellectual skills and understanding required of professional practitioners. The model uses critical reflection as a cognitive bridge between journalism theory and professional
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Numerous empirical studies have demonstrated that asset prices react rapidly, if at all, to news published in the mass media. In many cases, the information has been discounted and prices have already moved upon primary publication through news wires, press releases or firm announcements. Any remaining information is usually quickly priced in after
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The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1 818H Street Nw Washington D. C. 20433. U.S.A The World Bank enjoys copyright under protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention. This material may nonetheless be copied for research, educational, or scholarly
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Media and especially mass media like newspapers or magazines are characterised by a number of peculiarities which are interesting from both a theoretical and empirical point of view. The interrelationship of reader
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The independence of editorial content from advertisers' influence is a cornerstone of journalistic ethics We test whether this independence is observed in practice. We find that mutual fund recommendations are correlated with past advertising in three personal finance publications but not in two national news- papers. Our tests control for numerous fund characteristics, total advertising expenditures
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Online Journalism Education: Reaching and teaching globalised media ProfAlan Knight Central Queensland University This paper considers how digital convergence of text, audio and image on the net might impact on the content, structure and delivery of
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In the deliberations of scholars, policy analysts, and policy makers, power and influence. Yet the historical record shows that television has not changed the economics of attention not merely a fluke or just ironic. It points to a major impediment to the development of information societies. State-owned-and-controlled media can be an important policy lever for overcoming this opposition
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第一节 透明质酸发酵概述 第二节 透明质酸摇瓶发酵条件的研究 第三节 分批发酵生产透明质酸条件的研究 第四节 透明质酸分批发酵动力学及分批发酵过程模型化 第五节 高效生产透明质酸的搅拌与溶氧浓度控制策略 第六节 不同发酵模式生产透明质酸的组合操作与优化 第七节 应用代谢工程方法高效生产透明质酸
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