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born in Berlin, Germany, in 1886 1903-1908, studied philosophy and psy. at the Uni.of Edinburgh in Scotland and Uni. of Berlin. 1910, went to work as assistants to Friedrich Schumann at the Psychological Institute in Frankfurt 1924, went to America and worked in Connel Uni., Wisconsin Uni. And Smith College till his death. Koffka introduced it to the United States and systematized Gestalt psychology into a coherent body of theories
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Defining Declarative Knowledge: (labels, names, facts, lists). Declarative knowledge is often associated with rote memory. It is the substance with which we think. It is often associated with the knowledge and comprehension level of Bloom's taxonomy. Examples of Declarative Knowledge: Often within your instructional design there are terms that your learners need to know and understand in order to more effectively communicate or proceed through
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A concept is a category under which specific elements may be grouped.e.g. a red ball, a red pencil, and a red chair are all instances of the simple concept “red”. An “even number” is defined as any integer(整数) that is divisible by two without a remainder, and that an “odd number” is one that is not evenly(均匀地) divisible by two
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一、心理健康的定义 心理健康是指人在内心具有安 定感,对外部环境能以社会认可的 形式进行适应。表现为智力正常、 情绪稳定、行为适度,具有良好适 应环境的能力和性格
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一、纵断面设计的一般要求(1) 二、纵坡及坡长设计(1) 三、爬坡车道(1) 四、合成坡度(1) 五、竖曲线(2) 六、纵断面设计方法及表达(3) 七、视觉分析及平纵组合(4)
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一、公路与城市道路横断面组成(1) 二、行车道宽度的确定(1) 三、平面线加宽及其过渡(1) 四、路肩、分车带、路侧带与路缘石(2) 五、路拱、超高及超高渐变率的计算(2) 六、曲线段视距的保证(3) 七、道路建筑界限与道路用地(3) 八、横断面设计方法及成果(4) 九、路基土石方数量计算及调配(4)
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一、道路规划设计的程序(1) 二、路线方案选择(2) 三、道路选线要求和地形划分(2) 四、平原区选线(2) 五、山岭区道路选线(3) 六、丘陵区道路选线(3)
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一、交叉口交通分析和设计原则(1) 二、交叉口的形式及其选择(1) 三、交叉口的交通组织设计(1) 四、平面交叉口的通行能力(2) 五、交叉口的视距(2) 六、交叉口转角的缘石半径(2) 七、交叉口立面设计(2)
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晶胞参数即点阵常数是晶体物质的重 要参数,它随化学成份和外界条件(温 度和压力)的变化而发生微小的变化, 通常在10-4Å数量级以下,要揭示这类 变化规律,就必须对点阵常数进行精确 测定
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(1)本讲稿是在演讲人自身的科技论文写作与评 审经验的基础上完成。阐述个人的认识、体会和观 点。对读者和听众只求分享之乐,而无认同之需。 更不对任何读者和听众未来的科技论文负责。 (2)演讲人于1996年5月~ 2003年9月在剑桥大学 任职,并在2003年初向基金会报告本人基本情况。 2003年10月起本人在诺丁汉大学任现职
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