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例2-4已知线性时不变系统的一对激励和响应波形如图(a)所示,求该系统对 激励e(t)=sintu(t)-ut的零状态响应
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8.1系统集成概述建筑智能化的核心是系统集成,系统集成的本质是达到资源的共享。 8.1.1系统集成基本概念 A.系统集成定义 指采用软、硬件的方法,将原来各自分离的子系统有机地集合成一个统一、协调的大系统,以达到各种软、硬件资源能充分地共享
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•§ 10-2 Magnetic Field Gauss’law in Magnetic Field 磁感应强度 磁场的高斯定理 •§ 10-1 Magnetic Phenomena Ampere’s Hypothesis 基本磁现象 安培假说 •§10-3 Boit-Savart Law &Its Application 毕奥 – 萨伐尔定律及其应用 •§ 10-4 Ampere’s Law & Its Application 安培环路定理及其应用
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一.填空: (1)[f(t)dt (2)∫(x+a2-x2)2dx (3) d (4)已知f(x)=x+2f(x)d,则f(x)= dx (5) 0x2+6x+18 (6) tsin tdt= (7)设f(x)是连续函数,且F(x)=f(t)dt,则F(x)=
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The aim of this chapter is to identify the important factors in food product development to be studied in detail in the succeeding chapters. Firstly the different groups of food products are identified as a basis for organising product strategy. Then the published research on the factors in product failure and product success in all types of industries is used to identify the key factors in food product development. This leads into the management of product development at three different levels:
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Let's play a game · Instruction: 8. swing the rope 1 touch your shoulders 9. snatch the ball 2. bend your knees 10 bowl the ball ..serve the ball 11. throw the ball 4. stretch your arms 12. raise your arms 5.skip the rope 13. twist your fingers 6. hit the ball 14. stretch your body 7. bounce up and down .15. boxing
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一、量化器模型 设量化操作在K维欧几里德空间(记为RK)上进行,X为RK上的一个K维随机向量, x为X的取值,ACRK是X的取值空间,即值域,则A的一个N级量化器
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1.要点:(1)测导线转折角用测回法,量边用钢尺。 (2)瞄准目标时,应尽量瞄准测钎的底部。 2.流程:由A角→B角→C角D角,再丈量各边长
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 可编程接口概术  可编程并行输入/输出接口芯片8255A  可编程定时/计数器接口芯片8253
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