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Cells reproduce via a cell cycle Meiosis is the key to sexual reproduction and Mendel’s rules Sex determination, sex linkage and chromosome nondisjunction supported the chromosome theory
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Extensions of Mendelian Analysis Interactions between alleles of one gene. Multiple alleles, incomplete dominance, codominance Interactions between alleles of two genes. New phenotypes, epistasis Relationship between genotype & phenotype lethals, variable penetrance, conditional alleles
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Genetics is a different biology class Reading, attending lectures Andunderstanding the concept-notmemorizing Do problem sets
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Linkage: Alleles of two genes segregate together during meiosis
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医学遗传学教案及习题_17章 先天畸形
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医学遗传学教案及习题_15章 免疫缺陷
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医学遗传学教案及习题_14章 染色体畸变引起的疾病
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医学遗传学教案及习题_09章 人类染色体
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医学遗传学教案及习题_10章 染色体畸变
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Medical genetics What is a population from a genetic perspective? A population in the genetic sense, is not just a group of individuals, but a breeding group
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