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1. An early study in the development of peptide-presenting biomaterials showed that polymer surfaces bearing RGD peptides at a density equivalent to -10 peptides per each cell was sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading and subsequent cell growth. In contrast, when whole
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5 points/problem(20 points total) 1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a protein drug, interleukin-2(IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but jel a (formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight Mo= 100 g/mole)has a molecular weight between cross-links of 3,000 g/mole, while gel B (formed from cross linked polymer B, Mo=95 g/mole) has a molecular weight between crosslinks of
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1. Two hydrogels are prepared from two different candidate polymers for controlled release of a protein drug, interleukin-2(IL-2). The gels exhibit the same swelling ratio at equilibrium, but gel A(formed by cross-linked polymer A, repeat unit molecular weight Mo= 100 g/mole)has
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A recent study of controlled release of a model small-molecule drug from poly(lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres prepared by the single-emulsion method found that the diffusion constant of the drug through the polymer was best related to the polymers molecular weight according
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5问答题 1.试述剪跨比的概念及其对斜截面破坏的影 响。 案 2.梁上斜裂缝是怎样形成的?它发生在梁的什 么区段内? 案 3.斜裂缝有几种类型?有何特点? 答案
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7问答题 1.试说明为什么大、小偏心受拉构件的区分只与轴向力的作用位置有关,与配筋率无关? 案
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9问答题 1.何谓构件截面的弯曲刚度?它与材料力 学中的刚度相比有何区别和特点?怎样建 立受弯构件刚度计算公式? 答案
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1本章学习目的 通过本章的学习,要重点掌握沉降和过滤这两种机械分离 操作的原理、过程计算、典型设备的结构与特性,能够根 据生产工艺要求,合理选择设备类型和尺寸。 2本章应掌握的内容 a沉降分离(包括重力沉降和离心沉降)的原理、过程计 算、旋风分离器的选型
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1.化学课程在中学教育中的地位、作用 2.化学教学大纲 (1)中学化学教学大纲的结构、作用 (2)中学化学教学的目的、要求 3.课程内容和体系 (1)确定中学化学内容的原则 (2)中学化学课程的内容、体系 (3)评价中学化学教科书的标准
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一、家剖学的概念 1 生物学的一个分支, 2 正常, 3 形态结构, 4 发生发展。 5 大体解剖学、组织学、胚胎学
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