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发酵主要设备为发酵罐和种子罐,它们各自都附有 原料(培养基)调制、蒸煮、灭菌和冷却设备,通气 调节和除菌设备,以及搅拌器等
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1.1小麦粉 1.2大米 1.3其它辅料用料 1.4水 1.5油脂 1.6米面制品的其它用料
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脂肪酸是脂肪族中含有羧基的一类化合物。此类 化合物广泛分布于动植物中。脂肪酸在生物体内是 以乙酰辅酶A和丙二酸单酰辅酶A为原料而被生物合 成的,它们在生物体内几乎均以酯的形式存在。脂 肪酸类成分也是中药中一类重要的有效成分,具有 很多重要的用途。此外,中药中也有很多生物活性 物质是由各种脂肪酸通过生物合成而得到的,例如 由花生四烯酸转化而成的前列腺素类成分具有非常 强的多方面的生物活性,使其与其他花生四烯酸类 代谢产物一起成为新药开发的重要目标
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一、纺织材料的定义与内容 1、定义 纺织材料是指纤维及纤维制品,具体表现为纤维、纱线、织物及其复合物。 “纤维与纤维制品”表明了纺织材料既是一种原料,用于纺织加工的对象,又是一种产品, 是通过纺织加工而成的纤维集合体。告知我们纺织材料存在多种变体,存在从对象到产品的多级 转换。 “纤维、纱线、织物及其复合物”描述了纺织材料的形成过程,可以顺序进行,也可以跳跃 完成
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The only difference between a fat and an edible oil is that at ambient temperature a fat is semi-solid, and appears more or less firm to the touch, and an oil is liquid. They are both of similar general chemical composition. Edible oils are completely different in chemical form to mineral oils that are used as fuels or for lubrication. Most mineral oils are hazardous to human health and should not be even a small
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4.1 Introduction White wheat flour is the largest ingredient in nearly all biscuits. It is made from wheat by removing the brown surface coating and the embryo(the bran and the germ) and reducing the particle size to a fine powder. Modern milling methods are very complex involving many stages principally because it is difficult to separate the bran from the white central part (known as the endosperm)of the wheat
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Biscuits are small baked products made principally from flour, sugar and fat. They typically have a moisture content of less than 4% and when packaged in moistureproof containers have a long shelf life, perhaps six months or more. The appeal to consumers is determine by the appearance and eating qualities. For example, consumers do not like broken biscuits nor ones that have been over or under baked
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一、分解有机废弃物 二、在生态系统中通过光合作用合成有机物 三、生产工业原料如乙醇丙酮等 四、生产发酵食品如醋奶酪面包等 五、生产药物产品如抗生素胰岛素等 六、有些为动植物病原微生物
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一、发展高得率法制浆的意义: 1.充分合理地利用植物纤维原料资源 2.减轻制浆废水中的污染物质 3.满足产品性能的需要
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化工生产 定义:有目的的使原料经过一系列的化学或物理 变化,获得产品的工业过程。内容包括: 化学反应过程:在反应器中进行,是反应工程 研究的内容 单元操作:包括流体输送、加热、蒸馏等,在 化工生产中占据重要地位;单元操作与其相关 设备是化工原理研究的主要内容
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