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1.要点:后视方向要找一个距离相对远的点。 2.流程:如下图,在A点架仪一一后视B点一一测点1、2、3
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前言 Introduction 菇菌掠影 A Glance of Macrofungi Illustrations 菇菌分类目录 1-21 Catalogue of Macrofungi 图鉴正文 1-250 Text of the lllustrations 菇菌基础知识 251-278 Elementary Knowledge of Macrofungi 菇菌名称拉汉对照 279-290 Latin-Chinese names of Macrofungi 主要参考文献 291 References
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1、一位二进制数值比较器 讨论:A和B相比较的情况有三种可能
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L Translation(30%) PartI(10%) 1. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price-list for bicycles? We are interested in bicycles for both man and woman, and also for children. We are the leading bicycle dealers in the city, where cycling is popular, and have branches in five neighboring districts. If the qual ity of your bicycles is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers 2. Multimedia software is used for electronic publishing and electronic games and in employee training programs, The term multimedia is also used to describe home entertainment systems and other
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本课程是自动化专业主要骨干专业课之一,其性质、目的和任务是使学生掌握计算机控制系统的 基本结构组成,过程通道的类型、设计方法和抗干扰措施,离散系统控制算法的主要设计方法和类 型,接口技术和提高计算机控制系统可靠性与抗干扰措施的方法,计算机实时监控系统软件设计方 法,以及现场总线技术在计算机控制系统中的应用等。为学生今后实际工作奠定一定的基础
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一、填空 1、使用PROM实现组合逻辑时,应首先把逻辑函数 变换成____,而使用PLA实现组合逻辑时,应首先把 逻辑函数变换成___。(A:最小项表达式,B:最大 项表达式,C:最简与或式 )
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微元法 我们先回忆一下求曲边梯形面积S 的步骤:对区间[, ] a b 作划分 ax x x x b = 012 < < <\< n = , 然后在小区间 ],[ 1 ii xx − 中任取点ξ i ,并记 =Δ − iii −1 xxx ,这样就得到了小 曲边梯形面积的近似值 i ii Δ ≈ ξ )( ΔxfS 。最后,将所有的小曲边梯形面积 的近似值相加,再取极限,就得到
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UN/T 3 TEXT A PRE-READING QUESTIONS 1.Can you tell us something about Stevie Wonder according to our text? 2.What does the title mean? 3. What do you think of his accomplishment? ANSWER TO QUESTION (1) ? pop star/ born blind/ black/ poor family/ love music ? learn to play instruments very quickly/has been recording artist since the age of ten ? being an adult,encounter serious car accident/fight back from the shadow of death begin to pay more attention to the world outside/bring sunshine
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Related Information Rock music emerged during the mid- 1950s to become the major popular musical form of young audience in the United States and Western Europe. Its stylistic scope is too broad to be encompassed by any single definition; the only feature common to all rock music is a heavy emphasis on the beat
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