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统计物理学中,在推导空腔辐射的u(T)=ar公式和求辐射场的熵公式时,两次都用到了辐射压强 与辐射能量密度两者之间的关系本文从能量守恒的角度对两者之间的关系进行分析和推证
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3.1物质的二象性 1.德布罗意波 光的干涉、衍射等现象证实了光的波动性;热辐射、光电效应和康普 顿效应等现象又证实了光的粒子性
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第一节 背景知识 第二节 玻尔模型 第三节 光 谱 第四节 夫兰克--赫兹实验 第五节 玻尔理论的推广
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Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore Home Page Title Page So do our minutes hasten to their end Contents Each changing place with that which goes before In sequent toil all forward to contend
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绪论 一.什么是物理学 物理学(Physics)
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Necessary Background of Statistical Physics (2) when the velocity of the center of mass is fixed to zeroKinetic energy
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Kinematics of particles Kinetics of particles Geostatics and Hydromechanics .Special relativity Dep. physics
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