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No.1线性规划 1、某织带厂生产A、B两种纱线和C、D两种纱带,纱带由专门纱线加工而成。 这四种产品的产值、成本、加工工时等资料列表如下:
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2.4线性规划的灵敏度分析 一、线性规划是静态模型 二、参数发生变化,原问题的最优解还是不是最优 三、哪些参数容易发生变化 2.5 参数线性规划
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2.1 线性规划的对偶理论 2.2 线性规划的对偶定理 2.3 对偶单纯型算法
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6.1 图与网路的基本概念 6.2 树图与最小生成树 6.3 最短路问题 6.4 网路的最大流和最小截
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§8.1 整数规划问题的提出 §8.2 整数规划解法概述 §8.3整数规划的分枝定界法 §8.4 割平面法 §8.6 分派问题及解法 §8.5 0-1规划的隐枚举法
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6.1 图与网路的基本概念 6.2 树图与最小生成树 6.3 最短路问题 6.4 网路的最大流和最小截 6.5 欧拉回路和中国邮递员问题 6.6 哈密尔顿回路及旅行推销员问题 6.7 选址问题
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Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
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Reasons for simulation being underutilized • Simulation modeling is a time-consuming and knowledge/information intense process • Most models developed are customized “rigid” models that cannot be reused or easily adapted to other even similar problems (Arons 1999, 2000; Zhou 2004) • Conceptual modeling is a critical step that directly affects the quality and efficiency of simulation projects, but hardly supported with current technology, and still a very difficult and ad-hoc process that depends on the skill and experience of individual modelers (Mclean, 2001; Robinson, 2004)
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案例概述: 数字设备公司(DEC)是网络计算机系统和相关的外围设备的世界领先 的制造商,并且是具有网络、通信、服务以及软件产品的系统集成行业的领 导者。DEC最近的年收益超过120亿美元。其中,收益的2/3来自硬件销售, 而1/3来自软件销售和服务
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案例概述: Sytech国际公司是一家在同行业中处于领先地位的计算机和外围设备 的制造商。公司的主导产品分类如下:大型计算机(MFRAMES)、小型计算机 (MINIS)、个人计算机(PCS)、和打印机(PRINTERS)公司的两个主要市 场是北美和欧洲
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