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Accounts Receivable and Inventory Management Credit and Collection Policies Analyzing the Credit Applicant Inventory Management and Control
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Capital Budgeting and Estimating Cash Flows The Capital Budgeting Process Generati ng Investment Project Proposals Estimatin
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Risk and Managerial Options in Capital Rudgeting The Problem of Project Risk Total Project Risk Contribution to Total Firm Risk: Firm-Portfolio Approach Managerial Options
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Operating and Financial Leverage Operating Leverage Financial Leverage Total Leverage Cash -Flow- Ability to Service
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Dividend Policy Passive Versus Active Dividend Policies Factors Influencing Dividend Policy Dividend Stability Stock Dividends and Stock Splits Stock Repurchase
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Long-Term Debt, Preferred Stock, and Common Stock Bonds and Their Features Types of Long-Term- Debt Instruments Retirement of Bonds Preferred Stock and Its Features Rights of Common Shareholders Dual-Class Common Stock
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1管路特性 流体对输送机械的能量要求 从1至2截面
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开设本课程的目的是为了使学生 毕业后能对现实生产中常用的邮政技术 设备的基本结构、工作原理有一个全面 系统的掌握,并能做到熟练应用,同时 对技术设备管理领域的一些知识以及一 些先进技术与设备的发展趋势有所了解 ,为以后尽快适应工作岗位打下良好的 基础。通过本课程学习,可培养学生一 定的邮政技术设备应用能力以及在实际 生产中从事邮政设备管理的能力
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6.1风险与收益 6.2风险管理简介 6.3分散化与投资组合选择 6.4资本资产定价模型(CAPM) 6.5套利定价理论(APT)
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环境水文地质图有区域性环境水文地质图和地方性环境水文地质图。 8.5.1目的 编制环境水文地质图的目的是为有效地利用管理和保护好地下水资源,防止不良的环境地质问题的产生提供依据
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