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第一节 Matlab语言基础 第二节 Matlab基本数学运算 第三节 Matlab简单程序设计 第四节 Matlab作图
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《矩阵分析》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第三章 内积空间、正规矩阵与H-阵
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《矩阵分析》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第二章 λ矩阵与矩阵的Jordan标准形矩阵的基本概念
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:84KB 文档页数:7
Numerical Analysis Laboratory Projects 1. Input and Output Your program must read from file in.txt\(if there is any input) and write to a file \out.txt\in the current directory. 2. Judge Compiler
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原点平移法/ deflation technique
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基于数值积分的构造法 将y′=f(x,y)在{x,x1上积分,得到 V(xid-y(x)= f(x, y(x)dx
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9-5微分方程组与高阶方程*Systems of Differential Equations and Higher-Order Equations 一阶微分方程组
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第九章 常微分方程数值解 一、考虑一阶常微分方程的初值问题
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2复合求积 Composite Quadrature 高次插值有 Runge现象,故采用分段低次插值 →分段低次合成的 Newton- Cotes复合求积公式
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Abstract-We study tight wavelet frames associated with given refinable func tions which are obtained with the unitary extension principles. All possible solu- tions of the corresponding matrix equations are found. It is proved that the problem
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