文档格式:PPT 文档大小:75.5KB 文档页数:32
第一节 国际租赁筹资方式 第二节 国际租赁的租金 第三节 国际租赁筹资决策
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:206KB 文档页数:58
第一节 外汇汇率与外汇交易 第二节 外汇风险的分类与测量
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:164.5KB 文档页数:56
第一节 国际信贷筹资的渠道 第二节 国际信贷筹资的成本与风险 第三节 国际信贷筹资决策
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:374KB 文档页数:42
Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to begin our discussion of world financial markets and institutions
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Chapter Objectives: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the institutional framework within which exchange rates are determined. This chapter lays the foundation for much of the discussion throughout the remainder of the text, thus it deserves your careful attention
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Chapter objective This chapter discusses the microstructure of international trade
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Chapter Objective This chapter provides a brief introduction to the international tax environment
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Chapter Objective This chapter discusses various issues associated withmultinational cash management
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Chapter Objective: This chapter discusses the methodology that a multinational firm can use to analyze the investment of capital in a foreign country
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:579.5KB 文档页数:134
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