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5.1 基本概念 5.2 IIR滤波器设计的特点 5.3 常用模拟低通滤波器的设计方法 5.4 用脉冲响应不变法设计IIR数字滤波器 5.5 用双线性变换法设计IIR数字滤波器 5.6 设计IIR滤波器的频率变换法 5.7 Z平面变换法
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7.1 短时Fourier变换与Gabor变换 7.2 小波变换 7.3 离散小波变换的快速算法——Mallat算法 7.4 常用小波函数 7.5 小波变换的应用
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7.0 introduction 7.1design of discrete-time IIR filters from continuous-time filters 7.1.1 filter design by impulse invariance 7.1.2 filter design by bilinear transform 7.1.3 not low pass filter design and other method 7.2 design of FIR filters by windowing. 7.3 summary
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6.1 Concepts on Digital Filter 6.2 Analog Filter Design 6.3 Impulse Invariance Method 6.4 The bilinear Transformation 6.5 Design of Highpass, Bandpass and Bandstop Digital Filters 6.6 Spectral Transformations of IIR Filters 6.7 IIR digital filter design using MATLAB 6.8 Computer-Aided Design of IIR Digital Filters
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3.1 z变换 3.2 z反变换 3.3 z变换的性质和定理 3.4 z变换与拉氏变换和傅里叶变换的关系 3.5 序列的傅里叶变换及性质 3.6 离散系统的频域分析 3.7 综合实例
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主要对数字信号处理器(DSP, Digital Signal Processor )进行简要介绍。 ◼ 1.1 DSP的基本概念 ◼ 1.2 DSP芯片的发展、特点、分类 ◼ 1.3 DSP产品概况
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➢9.1 数字信号处理算法的DSP实现 ➢9.2 C54x应用系统设计实例 ➢9.3 DSP系统的调试与抗干扰措施
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本章内容提要: 主要对数字信号处理器(DSP, Digital Signal Processor )进行简要介绍。 ◼ 1.1 DSP的基本概念 ◼ 1.2 DSP芯片的发展、特点、分类 ◼ 1.3 DSP产品概况
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2.1 Discrete-time signals:sequences 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Classification of sequence 2.1.3 Basic sequences 2.1.4 Period of sequence 2.1.5 Symmetry of sequence 2.1.6 Energy of sequence 2.1.7 The basic operations of sequences 2.2 Discrete-time system 2.2.1 Definition:input-output description of systems 2.2.2 Classification of discrete-time system 2.2.3 Linear time-invariant system(LTI) 2.2.4 Linear constant-coefficient difference equation 2.2.5. Direct implementation of discrete-time system 2.3 Frequency-domain representation of discrete-time signal and system 2.3.1 definition of fourier transform 2.3.2 frequency response of system 2.3.3 properties of fourier transform
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3.1 加法和减法 37 3.2 乘法 37 3.3 除法 40 3.4 转置和共轭 41 3.5 元素操作算术运算 42 3.6 元素操作函数 43 3.7 矩阵的乘方与函数 44 3.8 关系运算符 45 3.9 逻辑运算符 46 3.10 逻辑函数 47
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