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一、 有机磷农药特性(Specific Properties) 1.化学基本结构(Chemical basic structure) 2.理化特性(Physical and Chemical Property)
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一、概述 二、病因及发病机制 三、临床表现 四、诊断及鉴别诊断 五、治疗及预后
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Digestive System Can you enjoy your life without your digestive system?
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Structure Upper Respiratory Tract Lower Respiratory Tract Terminal Respiratory Unite (anatomy ofthe Acinus) Circulation of the Lung
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Various causes Graves disease: 85% Autonomous toxic adenomas of the thyroid: Plummer's disease or toxic multinodular
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Pathological changes -- glomerular injury Clinical manifestations --proteinuria / hematuria A group of diseases Complicated causes & mechanisms Various clinical manifestations Different prognosis Multiple treatment
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一概述 二证候特征 三病因病机 四诊治纲要 五分证论治 六临床禁忌
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Who might be immuno-compromised or have a weakened immune system? Examples of persons with weakened immune systems include those with AIDS; cancer and transplant patients who are taking certain immunosuppressive drugs; and those with inherited diseases that affect the immune system
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Dr Jean W Flour Major Components of Flour Moisture 12.13% Protein 8-15% Starch 74-76%
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What is an enzyme? A biological catalyst that promotes and speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being altered in the process. Lowers the activation energies of a substance
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