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北京大学计算机系:《操作系统原理 Principles of Operating System》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第九章 分布式系统中的通信问题
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:799KB 文档页数:22
1 约束及其分类 限制质点或质点系运动的条件称为约束, 限制条件的数学方程称为约束方程
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:255.5KB 文档页数:135
北京大学计算机系:《操作系统原理 Principles of Operating System》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第十一章 分布式系统中的进程及处理器
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:708.03KB 文档页数:49
对外经济贸易大学:《货币银行学 Money and Banking》课程教学资源(授课教案)第四章 利率原理
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:158.76KB 文档页数:21
I. Sales Promotion I. Sales Promotion II. Public Relations II. Public Relations
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I. The Communication Process I. The Communication Process II. Integrated Marketing II. Integrated Marketing Communications Communications III. Advertising III. Advertising
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I. Wholesaling I. Wholesaling II. Retailing II. Retailing III. Direct Marketing III. Direct Marketing & Online Marketing & Online Marketing IV. Logistics IV. Logistics
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:190.38KB 文档页数:18
I. Factors Affecting Price I. Factors Affecting Price Decisions Decisions II. The Market and Demand II. The Market and Demand III. Approaches to setting III. Approaches to setting prices
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I. Product Life Cycle I. Product Life Cycle II. Packaging II. Packaging III. Product Line Decisions III. Product Line Decisions IV. Brand and Brand IV. Brand and Brand Management Management
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:334.25KB 文档页数:28
I. Stages in Market I. Stages in Market Orientation Orientation II. Segmenting Markets II. Segmenting Markets III. Market Targeting III. Market Targeting IV. Positioning IV. Positioning
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