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1酸碱质子理论如何处理酸碱平衡及有关计算;(pH、分布系数、滴定计算) 2质子条件的写法、共轭酸碱对 3酸碱滴定过程中pH的变化(滴定曲线的作法) 4指示剂的变色原理及选择 5终点误差计算及酸碱滴定法的应
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1.实验过程中常遇到的两类数字 (1)数目:如测定次数;倍数;系数;分数 (2)测量值或计算值。数据的位数与测定准确度有关
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一、本章的教学目标及基本要求: 1、理解常数项级数收敛、发散以及收敛级数的和的概念; 2、掌握级数的基本性质及收敛的必要条件; 3、掌握几何级数与p-级数的收敛与发散的条件;
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1.若某系统在阶跃输入作用r(t=1()时,系统的零初始条件下的输出响应为: c(t)=1-2e-2+e2, 试求:系统的传递函数和脉冲响应.(10分)
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一、以库仑定律为例说明: 1、一个物理定律建立本身就是物理学取得很大进展的标志。 2、物理定律具有丰富、深刻的内涵和外延。 3、对于基本定律,我们究竟从那些方面考察?
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一、填空题(8×2分) 1、对于自动控制系统的性能要求可以概括为三个方面,即: 2、条件下,控制系统的称为传递函数
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6-1 综合与校正的基本概念 6-2 常用校正装置及其特性 6-3 串联校正 6-4 反馈校正
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第一题:零点的作用 四条阶跃响应曲线如图1所示,图2中包括四张系统零极点分布图,找出每一条响应曲线所 对应的零极点分布,并说明理由。注意:(1)(4)的复数极点位置相同,(3)和(4)的实数极点 位置相同
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In order to be able to design a robust compensator to control a given pro cess, it is necessary not only to specify a nominal mo del of the process, but also the model uncert ainty to which the control sy stem has to be robust. The compensator is required to make the output follow variations in the reference signal and to attenuate disturbances. Hence to design the com- pensator
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Above, analysis for multivariable control systems with respect to nominal and robust st ability as well as nominal and robust performan has been assessed. It was assumed that the spec- ifications for robustness were given in terms of weight matrices Wu(s) and Wu2(s), and that the performance specifications similarly were given by weight matrices Wpi(s) and Wp2()
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