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Handout 16: Describing functions, More Eric Feron April 7, 2004 Continuing on the switch nonlinearity
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Handout 13: More about plants with right half-plane zeros Eric Feron March 15, 2004 Right half-plane zeros and sensor/actuator design Influence of sensor position on system dynamics: Star Market
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:247.22KB 文档页数:9
Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 5.2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies(eg resonant fre Canonical Notch element
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Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 8, 2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies (eg resonant fre- quencies). Canonical Notch element:
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:290.42KB 文档页数:13
Handout 8: Lead compensation Eric Feron March 3, 2004 Lead Compensation goals: Raise phase (and gain) at high frequen- cies while not touching low-frequency system's characteristics: Can extend bandwidth of system Canonical lead element:
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:247.13KB 文档页数:8
Handout 8: Lead compensation Eric Feron March 1, 2004 Lead Compensation goals: Raise phase( gain) at high frequen cies while not touching low-frequency system's characteristics: Can extend bandwidth of system. Canonical lead element:
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:151.61KB 文档页数:9
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:54.31KB 文档页数:4
Handout 5: Control System Design Principles Eric Feron Feb20,2004 The standard feedback loop Draw the feedback loop here Tracking requirements:
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第一讲 电影艺术总论 第二讲 电影艺术的综合性 第三讲 电影的文化维度 第四讲 电影美学风格或文化形态
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:83.5KB 文档页数:30
1. Wine List 1. Aperitifs餐前酒 Eg: Martini Rossi马丁尼罗士 French Vermouth, Noilly Prat法国味美思 2. Cocktails鸡尾酒 Pink Lady; Bronx: Old Fashioned; Vodka Martini; Million Dollar; Champagne Cocktail
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