Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 5.2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies(eg resonant fre Canonical Notch element fn)(s/u)2+2(s/u)s+1 Bode plot of Notch element
March 5, 2004
Bode Diagram Frequency(rad/sec)
General Notch filter format (s/)2+2(s/u)s+1 (s/u)2+2(s/u)s+1) Using Notch Compensation Plant under study Requirements: Want to have good tracking, decent PM Draw physical system and OL transer function here
Compensation Scheme: Use lead compensation Phase Margin is Gain Margin is BW is
Notch compensation Root-locus Bode diagram
K=162.5a=002b=2 Bode 0 L..LLJ ;:::; :::: 200 180-…:::: 180 360 01 10
K=125a=002b=2 omeganF1414 zeta0141 Bode Diagram 100}- 100 }--}六 :-::…:“计 # --}-h# 180 360L4 CppiosaaahaaRoPHA4ALa Frequency〔 radsec)
With lead and notch compensation Root Locus Red Axis ith lead and notch compensation Root Locus a 0 -05 -1_080.6040.2002040808
…… : #…-;#---; -90…;…… 180 Frequency〔ac)