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病态科学,原文 Pathological science,是美国著名化学家 Irving langmuir 在1953年的一次报告中首先提出的。 L Langmuir是1932年诺贝尔化学奖的获 得者,同时他在物理学中也有贡献。例如等离子体物理中著名的等离子体振荡 有时也称为 Langmuir振荡,但他本人除了研究化学和物理学外,还花了不少时 间研究自然科学发展本身的一些重要现象,并总结出病态科学的概念。但有关 这方面的研究文章,在他生前从未发表过,只是在他去世后,有人将他1953年 的题为“病态科学”的报告根据录音整理成文
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趋势线与轨道线 其切线理论主要是提供股价波动可能存在的支撑 线与压力线,其中包括趋势线与轨道线、黄金 分割线与百分比线、江恩角度线等。其最注重 的是“顺势而为”。趋势线与轨道线是其中最 重要也是最简单的两种,用一把直尺便能知悉 股市冷暖、把握涨跌趋势
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第六章 交流电机绕组及其感应电动势 第一节 交流电机的基本作用原理 第二节 交流绕组 第三节 绕组的感应电动势 第四节 谐波电动势及其削弱方法 第七章 交流绕组的磁动势(磁动势、磁场) 第八章 电机的发热和冷却
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5-1对流换热概说 对流换热以牛顿冷却公式为基础,公式的具体形式为: q=hAt (5-1a 对于面积为A的接触面,换热量为:
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例1某人平时下班总是按预定时间到达某处,然 然后他妻子开车接他回家。有一天,他比平时提早 了三十分钟到达该处,于是此人就沿着妻子来接他 的方向步行回去并在冷 这一天,他 比平时提前了十显然是由于节省了从相遇点到 会合点,又从会合点返回相遇点这一了多长时 间 段路的缘故,故由相遇点到会合点需 开5分钟。而此人提前了三十分钟到 请思考一下,本题解答中隐含了哪些假设?
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As the first food of infant mammals, milk provides an important source of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals, essential to the development of tissue and bone, and the growth of young. Milk is also a substance used beneficially by humans of all ages, both as a food in its own right and as a material for the production of milk products and milk-based food ingredients
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Chilled foods are foods which are cooled to a temperature above their freezing point and which need to be maintained at that temperature to preserve quality Generally such foods will lose value if frozen, and in many cases freezing will destroy them. From the refrigeration viewpoint, the range of foods regarded as chilled is very wide. In this chapter they are taken to include fresh fruits and vegetables, both temperate and tropical in origin, the whole range of meat, fish
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During recent years there has been a greatly increased consumer demand for perishable chilled foods which are perceived as being fresh, healthy and convenient. The major food retailers have satisfied this consumer demand by providing an ever increasing range of value-added chilled food products. The wide diversity of chilled foods available is accompanied by a huge range of packaging materials and formats which are used to present attractively packaged foods in retail chill cabinets. This chapter overviews the requirements and types of packaging materials and formats which are commonly utilised for a broad
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The detection and enumeration of microorganisms either in foods or on food contact surfaces forms an integral part of any quality control or quality assurance plan. Microbiological tests done on foods can be divided into two types:(a) quantitative or enumerative, in which a group of microorganisms in the sample are counted and the result is expressed as the number of the organisms present
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