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《大学语言 College Chinese》文学相关知识(人物)《诗经》
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《大学语言 College Chinese》文学相关知识(人物)威廉-莎士比亚
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一.考试题型: 1. 作家作品,选择题 30 题,60 % 2. 诗歌赏析,选择题 10 题,20%
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:90.5KB 文档页数:45
1. The Wild Honey Suckle (P29) The Wild Honey Suckle Philip Freneau Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat, Untouched thy honied blossoms blow, Unseen thy little branches greet: No roving foot shall crush thee here, No busy hand provoke a tear. By Nature's self in whitearrayed, She bade thee shun the vulgar
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司马迁与《史记》 司马迁(公元前145或前135~前87?)字子 长,西汉史学家、文学家。左冯翊夏阳(今 陕西韩城)人。父司马谈,汉武帝建元、元 封之间任太史令,是一位具有多方面修养的 学者。概括出重要的阴阳、儒、墨、名、法、 道六家,分别以评论:对阴阳等五家,既有 所肯定,也指出其不足,而完全肯定了道家。 与汉武帝时罢黜百家、独尊儒术的政策不完 全合拍
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1. Summary: (全文) One of Hemingway's war and love stories, this novel takes place in Italy during World War I and is tied closely to the author's own experience as an American Ambulance Driver for the Italian Army. The story opens during a lull (暂停)in the action and the reader meets a group of men who work with the wounded during battle. In the course of waiting for action, the protagonist, Henry, meets and courts(求爱) an English nurse stationed in Italy
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The objectives of the course: 1. To help learners build up literary critical abilities by way of reading and appreciating the representative works in English literature; 2. To help learners enhance cultural cognitive abilities by way of introducing the background of literature, particularly the relationship between the literary creation and the social movements;
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