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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:03 A O A Time-Independent Model of Box Safety for Stunt Motorcyclists
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B(点评)Author Judge’s Commentary The Outstanding Airline Overbooking Papers
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Things That Go Bump in the Flight
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Probabilistically Optimized Airline Overbooking Strategies, or “Anyone Willing to Take a Later Flight!
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《数学建模》美赛优秀论文:02B Optimal Overbooking
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§1.1 发展着的物理学 §1.2 物理学科的美学特点 §1.3-1.6 自学 §1.7 力学----学习物理学的开始
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Why be concerned about ethics? Science and engineering are professions whose integrity rely on the participants behaving in ethical ways. Unethical behavior can lead to loss of life, property, or other resources. Individuals can also lose respect and their reputation
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Audience analysis elements Know four key facts about readers and listeners. Consider the level of technical expertise of your audience. Understand why they are reading. then... plan communication strategy and information organization
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