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1. For our English homework we have to write a paper. A three-thousand-word B. three-thousands-word C. three-thousand-words d. three -thousands-word 2. Jack English in the university for 30 years by the end of next mon A. will teach B. had taught C will have taught D. has taught
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1. To answer correctly is more important than () A. answered quickly B. a quick answer C. quickly answered D. to answer quickly 2.It ( until dark that he realized that it was too late to return home. A. is B. wasn't C. weren''td.were3. Do you remember() Tom about this before? A. to telling B. telling C. to have told D. tell 4. Look, () A. there he goes B. there goes he C. he goes there D. he there goes.It seems difficult () A. to stop the child to crying B. to stop the child of crying C. stopping the child cry D. to stop the child from crying 6.I have never drunk ( beer in my life. A. the better one B. more best C. more better D. better
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1. My sister spends studying so that she might later get a better job [A most of her times B her most times [C]her most time [D] most of her time 2. We got down to business as soon as we each othe [A ]had introduced to [B] had been introduced to
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Test Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause during the pause you must read the
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一、是非题 1、只要集成运放引入正反馈,就一定工作在非线性区。() 2、当集成运放工作在非线性区时,输出电压不是高电平,就是低电平。() 3、运算电路中一般均引入负反馈。()
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1、将下列二进制数转换成十进制数。 (1)(1011)2(2)(11011)2(3)(100110.012((1100110110)2 2、将下列十进制数转换成二进制数。 (1)(36)10 (2)(96)10 (3)(125)10 (4)(13.25)10
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一、是非题 1、负反馈是指反馈信号与放大器原来的输入信号相位相反,会消弱原来的输入信号,在实际中应用较少。() 2、只要在放大电路中引入反馈,就一定能使其性能得到改善。()
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一、是非题 1、在N型半导体中如果掺入足够量的三价元素,可将其改型为P型半导体。() 2、因为N型半导体的多子是自由电子,所以它带负电。() 3、PN结在无光照、无外加电压时,结电流为零。()
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