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Part I Introduction 1. The development history of organic synthesis 2. The influences of organic synthesis on organic chemistry 3. The research scope of organic synthesis
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I Classification of Rearrangement Reactions II Nucleophilic Rearrangement 1 Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement 2 Pinacolic Rearrangement 3 α-ethandione Rearrangement 4 Beckmann Rearrangement 5 Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement III Electrophilic Rearrangement
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Intramolecular Enone-Olefin Photocycloadditions Directed Toward Natural Product Synthesis Travis Dunn DAE Group Friday Afternoon Seminar
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一. 对映异构 (一)分子的对称性 (二)含一个手性中心的分子
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一. 诱导效应 二. 共轭体系
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第三章有机反应活性中间体 (Reactive intermediates) 一.正碳离子(Carbocations) (一).正碳离子的结构 (二).正碳离子的稳定性 取代基效应的影响 溶剂效应的影响 (三).正碳离子的生成 1.直接离子化 2.正离子对不饱和分子的加成 3.由其它正离子转化
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Allylic 1-3-Strain as a Controlling Element in Stereoselective Transformations TSO(2C)4 R. W. Hoffmann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 2000, 39, 2054-2070 CH2)lOTs Conformation Design of Open-Chain Compounds
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