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Key points Roman Empire and Western Civilization Caesar and concept of western civilization Roma and greece Roman civilization: architecture, politic and law achievements Roman law three original elements; Greek philosophy, roman law and hebraic ethics
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1453年,奥斯曼土尔其攻陷君士坦丁堡,希腊学 者逃往西方,带去大批希腊文献,古典复兴由此 肇始。 13-15世纪,蒙古帝国兴起并征伐世界,保证跨 欧亚大陆交通安全。西方人一千年后再次进入东 方,繁盛东西方文化与经济交流;永久性改变种 族与宗教面貌; 西方人在上述事件刺激下,向地中海之外寻求去 东方和印度的航路
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Two Traditions: Locke and Montesquieu Lock:社会具有先于 政治的存在,且在所 有政治化的社会出现 前,人类已根据天赋 权利组织为群体 Montesquieu:社会是 通过政治而建立起来 的;社会也是一个平 衡,平衡的一边是国 家,另一边是一大堆 受到保护的权利
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Enlightenment A European cultural movement that reached its height in the 18th century but which still resonates today. Enlightenment theories about economics and philosophy still widely held today, have provided the basis for numerous critiques from numerous critics
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我不想变成上帝,或者居住在永恒中,或者把天地抱在怀抱里.属于人的那 种光荣对我就够了.这就是我所祈求的一切.我是凡人,我只要求凡人的幸福
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a Positivism / Anti-positivism Chapter one Auguste comte the law of human progress the theological---the metaphysical--- the positive social statics and social dynamics
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一、填空(每空5分,共60分) 1.方差分析(ANOVA)通常用于检验 一元单因素( Univariate One--way)方差分析指个测试变量、个分类变量的方差分 析。 一元双因素( Univariate Two-way)方差分析指个测试变量、个分类变量的方差分 析。 在双因素方差分析中考虑交互效应的模型称为 否则称为
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Sntroduction to Sociology . Race: The Power of An Illusion ll. Thinking about Race and Ethnicity: What is Tiger Woods? lll. Why race does not exist... except as a social construct ll. Ethnicity and Race as Folk Concepts
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I C. Wright Mills: The Sociological Imagination l. Peter Berger: Invitation to Sociology TO SOCIOLOGY ll. Using the Sociological EMILE DURKWEIM Imagination and MicroCase SUICIDE Explorit Data to Follow in Durkheim' s footsteps in Understanding Suicide
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Sntroduction to Sociology 1. Testing Theories and Hypotheses A. Three Criteria of Causal Explanations B. Experimental Research C. Field Research
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