Jati atroouction to sociology I Race The power of an lllusion d ethnicity What is ex iger Woods? l Why race does not exist. except as a social construct I Ethnicity and Race as Folk Concepts
I. Race: The Power of An Illusion II. Thinking about Race and Ethnicity: What is Tiger Woods? III. Why race does not exist…except as a social construct II. Ethnicity and Race as Folk Concepts
Discussion of film: Race: The power of an lllusion Episode 1: The Differences Between Us Did this film challenge or change the way you think about race? What is the film saying about the concept of race? What is the issue of“ concordance” about? Why is it important to the concept of race? Is the student Noah right when he concludes: Every single one of us is a mongrel? Does the film deny that race is real?
Discussion of Film: Race: The Power of An Illusion Episode 1: The Differences Between Us • Did this film challenge or change the way you think about race? • What is the film saying about the concept of race? • What is the issue of “concordance” about? Why is it important to the concept of race? • Is the student Noah right when he concludes: “Every single one of us is a mongrel?” • Does the film deny that race is real?
Jati atroouction to sociology What race is this man?
What race is this man?
Jati atroouction to sociology Paternal Maternal Grandparents Grandparents 1 White 2 Chinese 1 Native American 2 Thai 2 Black Father Mother < Cablinasian
ddPaternal Grandparents 1 White 1 Native American 2 Black ddMaternal Grandparents 2 Chinese 2 Thai Father Mother “Cablinasian
Jati atroouction to sociology What assumptions lie behind the designation of Tiger Woods as an “ African American? °The“ drop of blood" theory Southern segregation laws:1764 black black The obsession to classify people by race in the Us continues: the example of Hispanics These are social, not biological ideas
What assumptions lie behind the designation of Tiger Woods as an “African American”? • The “drop of blood” theory • Southern segregation laws: 1/64 black = black • The obsession to classify people by race in the US continues: the example of Hispanics • These are social, not biological ideas
Jati atroouction to sociology Data from the 2000 Statistical Abstract suggest that Tiger Woods is not alone The proportion of"interracialcouples in the U.s. increased from 3% to 17% of all married couples between 1980 and 1999 This means that 1 in 6 couples are interracialtoday, accounting for 9, 415,000 married couples Black/white married couples more than doubled between 1980 and 1999, and come to close to 10% of blackback couples
• The proportion of “interracial” couples in the U.S. increased from 3% to 17% of all married couples between 1980 and 1999. • This means that 1 in 6 couples are “interracial” today, accounting for 9,415,000 married couples. • Black/White married couples more than doubled between 1980 and 1999, and come to close to 10% of black/black couples. Data from the 2000 Statistical Abstract suggest that Tiger Woods is not alone
Jati atroouction to sociology The Us census Bureau refused to add a multiracial category for the 2000 census Instead it allowed individuals for the first time to choose more than one race
The US Census Bureau refused to add a “multiracial” category for the 2000 census. Instead it allowed individuals for the first time to choose more than one race
Race and Ethnic Categories in Selected Decennial Censuses CaMus 10 : 1sQ 290 w whte whte ab魂Bkk Bk小 No?0 ocrf Nego o Bbc 日ak,Nn: sn AmeL o NorD Wilis Mune Curd oon Catoon Chnese Chose Choate Chase Panee pan spinage .panec Incan Inan Incan(A-er aan Amf Inan or Aks Nuniww Fiono Fion Heian NP吧) f Race categories W Idn have changed over 的erym Huaman aher chamorro time m Cher Asan Cnet Pacte runes Seme cther moe Hispanic Ethnicity Men Man. Momein Ame°, Cnano Ae k Aen Peb Aan Cortale Amman Cues Cuer Chr Spansh Chet Saan shafanisLalne INone d Theo] Not spaner/soanoLatno In 1890. mulaHo was donned as a person who was threo eighths to fvD eighths back.A quadroon was one quarto black and a octoroon ane eighth black 2 Catogonios printed n the 2000) Consus Dross Rehearsal questioner
“Race” categories have changed over time
Jati atroouction to sociology New york times article on race and Recent Scientific Findings Recent DNA Evidence 90%of human genetic variation exists within "racial groups"-almost no consistent genetic differences exist between members of dififerent groups Less than 17100 of 1%of our genes is related to what society callsrace
New York Times Article on Race and Recent Scientific Findings: Recent DNA Evidence: 90% of human genetic variation exists within “racial groups” -- almost no consistent genetic differences exist between members of different groups •Less than 1/100 of 1% of our genes is related to what society calls “race
Jati atroouction to sociology Racial categories recognized by society are not reflected on the genetic level. (NY Times article) Race is a social concept, not a scientific one. -Dr J Craig venter Celera Genomics Corp Race has no scientific justification in human biology. - American Anthropological Association
“Racial categories recognized by society are not reflected on the genetic level.” (NY Times article) • “Race is a social concept, not a scientific one.” --Dr. J. Craig Venter, Celera Genomics Corp. • "Race has no scientific justification in human biology.” --American Anthropological Association