An introduction to Western Social Theory 1. The significance of studying western social theory 1. 1 The developing tendency of social science C1. 2 The sociology' s researching target +2e3 The independence of sociology
2021/2/21 1 An Introduction to Western Social Theory ▪1.The significance of studying western social theory ▪ 1.1 The developing tendency of social science ▪ 1.2 The sociology’s researching target ▪ 1.3 The independence of sociology ▪
2.the characteristics of social theory 2.1 accumulation 2.2 development stage 2.3 diversification 2021/221
2021/2/21 2 ▪ 2.the characteristics of social theory ▪ 2.1 accumulation ▪ 2.2 development stage ▪ 2.3 diversification
3.The four stages of social theory 3. 1 The first stage: from 1837 to the beginning of 20 century---the foundation of sociology 3.2 The second stage: from 1920s to 1960s---the general theory appearance 2021/221
2021/2/21 3 ▪ 3.The four stages of social theory ▪ 3.1 The first stage: from 1837 to the beginning of 20 century---the foundation of sociology ▪ 3.2 The second stage: from 1920’s to 1960’s---the general theory appearance ▪
33. 3 The third stage: from 1960s to 1980s -- the prosperity of social theory a 3.4 The forth stage: from 1980,s till now---the integration of social theory 2021/221
2021/2/21 4 ▪ 3.3 The third stage: from 1960’s to 1980’s --- the prosperity of social theory ▪ 3.4 The forth stage: from 1980’s till now---the integration of social theory
4. Divergent methodology of social theory e Macrocosm vs microcosm a Positivism vs anti-positivism 2021/221 5
2021/2/21 5 ▪ 4. Divergent methodology of social theory ▪ Macrocosm vs microcosm ▪ Positivism vs anti-positivism
Chapter one Auguste Comte(1798-1857) The person a Summary of Ideas I the law of human progress 2 hierarchy of science 3 social statics and dynamics 2021/221
2021/2/21 6 Chapter one : Auguste Comte (1798—1857) • The Person • A Summary of Ideas • 1 the law of human progress • 2 hierarchy of science • 3 social statics and dynamics
The person Auguste Comte was born on January 19, 1798,in the southern French city of Montpellier .. In august 1814, Comte entered the competition for the entrance examinations of the prestigious Ecole polytechnique which was a world famous scientific university 2021/221 7
2021/2/21 7 • The person • Auguste Comte was born on January 19, 1798, in the southern French city of Montpellier • In August 1814, Comte entered the competition for the entrance examinations of the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique which was a worldly famous scientific university
.. In the summer of 1 817 Comte was introduced to henri saint-Simon who was to have a major and lasting influence on Comte's life and works In 1824 Comte finally broke with his master 2021/221
2021/2/21 8 • In the summer of 1817 Comte was introduced to Henri Saint-Simon • who was to have a major and lasting influence on Comte's life and works. • In 1824 Comte finally broke with his master
began to publish his course of philosophy in 1826 Because of his unhappy life, He realized that mere intellectual development is insufficient for life, and, having presented Positivism as the scientific doctrine and method he aimed at making it a religion, the religion of hu uman 2021/221 9
2021/2/21 9 • began to publish his course of philosophy in 1826. • Because of his unhappy life, • He realized that mere intellectual development is insufficient for life, and, having presented Positivism as the scientific doctrine and method, he aimed at making it a religion, the religion of humanity
Comte's chief works are his " Cours de philosophie positive"[6 vols. Phiosophie mathematique(1830), astronomique et physique(1835), chimique et biologique (1838), partie dogmatique de la philosophie sociale(1839), partie historique(1840), complement de la philosophie sociale et conclusions(1842) 2021/221 10
2021/2/21 10 • Comte's chief works are his "Cours de philosophie positive" [6 vols.: Phiosophie mathématique (1830), astronomique et physique (1835), chimique et biologique (1838), partie dogmatique de la philosophie sociale (1839), partie historique (1840), complément de la philosophie sociale et conclusions (1842);