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一、螺杆泵的结构和工作原理 1.组成:泵壳、螺杆、轴承、轴封等 2.分类:单螺杆泵、双螺杆泵、三螺杆泵
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第一节概述 第二节起货机的液压系统 第三节液压起货机的操纵机构 第四节回转式起货机的液压系统实例
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一、属舒适性空调 二、应能使室内空气条件符合以下要求 三、 (1)温度
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第一节旋涡泵的结构和工作原理 第二节旋涡泵的性能和特点 第三节离心旋涡泵
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First set to operation Before putting into operation for the first time check that: All connecting pipes and flanges specially on the suction side, are completely tight
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Significant features: DVZ - JET WASH oil drainage Self-cleaning with sea water using a reversible pump Automatic electrode cleaning DBGM 8404946 Utilization of the adhesion tendency of oil to aid separation
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4.1 Function The purpose of the operation is either to liberate a liquid from strange particles, or to separate two intermixed liquids
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Learning Objectives When you have completed this section, you should be familiar with: Pre-bunkering checking. Guidelines for bunkering of fuels. Health precautions
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