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assachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 111-Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory Project resources Project resources are allocated on a per student basis. This means that a two-person
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Utilitarianism Last time we considered three questions one might ask an ethical theory to answer i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understanding the\ought as a moral ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? 111) How do we know what is right and wrong? There are a variety of strategies for answering(iii). One might hold e. g. that moral truths are revealed by god and
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1.普通产品信息 1.1 PDIUSBD11和 PDIUSBD112之间的区别是什么? PDIUSBD11为MCU提供了12C接口12C接口的最高速度可达Mbit t/sec PDIUSBD111共有4个端 点,包括默认的端点0。每个端点都是双向带8字节缓冲区。8字节的缓冲区和2C的连接使它适用于(不 限定)例如多功能键盘、高级操纵杆(力反馈)、监视器控制和其它基于HID的系统 PDIUSBD12为MCU提供一个通用的并行接口
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*极限俱乐部会员信息系统* *说明:《极限俱乐部会员信息系统》基本信息包括单位、姓名、性别、年龄、身高、体 重六个基本信息,可以根据实际情况有所增减* /*控制台IO的头文件
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Skills Approach Definition: the ability to use one's knowledge and competencies to accomplish a set of goals or objectives Katz: the things, the people, the concepts
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第十讲函数图形及极值问题 阅读:第4章43,pp.96-11l 预习:第4章44,pp.1-121 练习pp11-113习题43:1至3;4,(1)(3);5,(1)(2);8,(1)(3) 9,(1);10;13,(1),(3);14,(1);15,(1);16;17;20,(1). 作业pp111-113习题43:4,(2)(4);5,(1)(2);6;7;8,(2),(4); 9,(2),(3);11;12;;13,(2),(4);14,(2);15,(2)(3);18:;20,(2),(4)
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第四章导数的应用 (The Applications Derivative of function) 第八讲微分中值定理 阅读:第4章4.1pp.8088 预习:第4章4.2pp.8995,第4章4.396-111 练习pp-9习题4.1:1至4;5,(1)81),(2)9,(2) 10,(2),(4) 作业pp-89习题4.1:5,(2);8,(3),()9,(1):10,(1),(3 重要通知: (1)第九周星期六下午在开放实验室进行微积分(小测验: 测验内容为罗比塔法则及以前的知识 测验方式:计算机考试,时间一小时。 每班具体考试时间下周考前通知。 (2)请每位同学务必在下周星期二以前,到网上 (网址为:info. Emathe.edu.cn) 阅读机考说明,并试做摸拟试卷
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第八章函数 【题8.1-8.30】 BBADA DBCBC BDBD(BC)B(ca)caba(ab)ADD CADDA 【题8.31】程序中的main(函数 【题8.32】【1】函数说明部分 【2】函数体 【题8.33】-125=-5*5*5 【题8.34】【1】 void add(float, float)【2】 float addfloat, float) 【题8.35】i=7:j=6x=7 i=2;j=7;x=5 【题8.36】111
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