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复旦大学:《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》课程教学资源(讲义)Lecture Eight The Frankfurt School and the critique of Enlightenment
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复旦大学:《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》课程教学资源(讲义)Lecture Six Ernst Bloch and the Concrete Utopia
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复旦大学:《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》课程教学资源(讲义)Lecture Five Antonio Gramsci
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:reading material 6 Georg Lukacs History & Class Consciousness III:The Standpoint of the Proletariat 5
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:reading material 7 Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer(1944)The Culture Industry:Enlightenment as Mass Deception
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:Reading material 5 Georg Lukacs History & Class Consciousness III:The Standpoint of the Proletariat 3
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:Reading Material 3 Georg Lukacs History & Class Consciousness II:The Antinomies of Bourgeois Thought, continued
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:reading material 1 Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat
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《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》阅读文献与材料:课后讨论题
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复旦大学:《国外马克思主义 Western Marxism》课程教学资源(阅读文献材料)批判理论视野中的自然
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