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Contents Instructor and TAs Requirements Course outline An example: market for apartments
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Structure Endowments Budget constraints with endowments Net demands Labor supply
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Structure Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands – Interior solution (内在解) –Corner solution (角点解) – “Kinky” solution Example: Choosing taxes
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Properties of Demand Functions Comparative statics analysis (比较 静态分析)of ordinary demand functions -- the study of how ordinary demands x1
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兰州交通大学:《微观经济学》课程教学资源(教案大纲)教学大纲 Microeconomics(负责人:李新文)
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Structure Economic profit Short-run profit maximization –Comparative statics Long-run profit maximization Profit maximization and returns to scale Revealed profit maximization
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Structure From Individual to Market DemandFunctions Elasticities Revenue and own-price elasticity ofdemand Marginal revenue and price elasticity
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Structure Market equilibrium Quantity tax and equilibrium Tax incidence (税收分担) Deadweight loss (额外净损失)
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Structure Present and future values Intertemporal budget constraint Preferences for intertemporal consumption Intertemporal choice Comparative statics Valuing securities
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Structure Money equivalent of utility gains totrade Consumer’s surplus Changes in consumer’s surplus Compensating and equivalentvariations Producer’s surplus
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